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I'm so grateful that you are here.

I'm Danielle. Mother, Certified Full Spectrum Doula, and founder of Sacred Journey Doulas. I uncovered my calling and passion for birthkeeping and holding space for families after welcoming my second baby. Both of my children took days on days to bring earthside, and my biggest regret to this day is not reaching out for Doula support. My partner and I made an incredible team, but as I have journeyed through my work within the birth space, I have come to understand how crucial Doula care is versus that of your partner, or any family member. Our roles are vastly different. Doulas hold space in an entirely different way. We meet you where you are at- providing emotional, physical, informational, and spiritual support.

Through my education, hands-on experience, and learning self-care on an entirely new level, I have found the ability to drop every single judgement and opinion at the door before entering into your space. Our journey together is about you, and meeting you where you are at in the moment, while creating a safe, empowering, and joyful experience.

Engaging a Doula through pregnancy and the tender early months of postpartum - for the first or subsequent time, means that you don't have to navigate by yourself. As a certified Birth Professional, I provide mindful support through ongoing education, experience, curiosity, and compassion to ensure that you feel ready, safe and well supported to bring an amazing new life into the world. I work hand in hand with your care team, and approach this relationship in a calm and respectful way. During our time together, consider me your personal guide and trusted resource for all things surrounding birth, and postpartum healing and recovery. I will empower you to trust in your body; to believe that you can have any birth experience you crave . It is completely your choice as to how you give birth to your baby. It is my role to support you through any decision, providing evidence based information through challenging moments, and remain by your side throughout.

I still cry every time a baby is born. It’s new, every time. My current mission is for anyone to be able to walk into our space and breastfeed and cry and not be asked a million questions. To be seen, heard, and feel deeply nourished and supported.

You're about to embark on a very important journey. It would be an honor to walk alongside you.


In the context of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period, a Doula refers to a trained support person who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to pregnant people, birth parents, and their families. A Full Spectrum Doula is a support person who recognizes that pregnancy, birth, and postpartum can have many different outcomes. In a nutshell, we provide support to people during the full spectrum of pregnancy and beyond. From pre-conception to abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, adoptions, births, the postpartum period, and everything in between, we are there to support and hold space for you.

The Benefits of Doula Support


Benefits of Having a Birth Doula:

World wide studies consistently demonstrate the undeniable benefits of having Doula support, through birth and into the early postpartum months.

Ongoing research indicates:

  • Fewer caesarean births

  • Reduction in use of pain medication

  • Reduction in the length of labor

  • Overall need for intervention is reduced resulting in more positive birth outcomes

  • Parents feel more confident and relaxed with the presence of a Doula

50% Decrease in cesarean deliveries
25% Decrease in the length of labor
60% Decrease in use of epidurals
30% Decrease in use of pain medication

Source: Klaus, Kennel & Klaus (2002)

Benefits of having a Postpartum Doula:

This level of support provided by the Doula during birth continues in the postpartum chapter.

Parents who have Doula support experience less anxiety and less depression at 6 weeks postpartum. A Postpartum Doula assists in creating a relaxed environment providing emotional and hands on support during the transition time into new parenthood.

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Pregnancy and Birth Support

Feel confident in your birth support with a skilled doula on your team.


Postpartum Support

Have a healthy, restful postpartum experience with expert family care.